We have tracked, categorized under Science and Technology and other Research and Development, over 16 funding programs and $35,251,462 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Integrated Training Area Management Support for Fort McCoy in Wisconsin Apply for W9126G 25 2 SOI 2922

Funding Number: W9126G 25 2 SOI 2922
Agency: Fort Worth District
Funding Amount: $4,655,000
Early Career Faculty (ECF) Apply for NNH24ZTR001N 24ECF B1

Funding Number: NNH24ZTR001N 24ECF B1
Agency: NASA Headquarters
Funding Amount: $750,000
DoD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Clinical Translational Research Award Apply for HT942524TSCRPCTRA

Funding Number: HT942524TSCRPCTRA
Agency: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Californian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G24AS00276

Funding Number: G24AS00276
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $150,500
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Great Lakes – Northern Forest CESU Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G23AS00401

Funding Number: G23AS00401
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $148,799
Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program Apply for 23 563

Funding Number: 23 563
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $9,000,000
DoD Prostate Cancer, Data Science Award Apply for HT9425 23 PCRP DSA

Funding Number: HT9425 23 PCRP DSA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTC): Equity Center in the Employment Domain Apply for HHS 2022 ACL NIDILRR RTEM 0028

Funding Number: HHS 2022 ACL NIDILRR RTEM 0028
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $933,333
Ensuring Research Integrity - Conferences Apply for IR ORI 22 002

Funding Number: IR ORI 22 002
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Funding Amount: $50,000
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Community Living and Participation Apply for HHS 2022 ACL NIDILRR ARCP 0003

Funding Number: HHS 2022 ACL NIDILRR ARCP 0003
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $200,000
Lualualei Protected Species Management Apply for W9126G 21 2 SOI 3684

Funding Number: W9126G 21 2 SOI 3684
Agency: Department of Defense, Fort Worth District
Funding Amount: $2,672,228
DOD Rare Cancers Resource and Community Development Award Apply for W81XWH 21 RCRP RCDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 21 RCRP RCDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks Apply for 21 582

Funding Number: 21 582
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Reproducible Cells and Organoids via Directed- Differentiation Encoding Apply for 21 532

Funding Number: 21 532
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 Apply for 21 505

Funding Number: 21 505
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $19,999,999
DoD Spinal Cord Injury, Investigator- Initiated Research Award Apply for W81XWH 20 SCIRP IIRA

Funding Number: W81XWH 20 SCIRP IIRA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
DoD Kidney Cancer, Idea Development Award Apply for W81XWH 19 KCRP IDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 19 KCRP IDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
DoD Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Idea Development Award Apply for W81XWH 19 DMDRP IDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 19 DMDRP IDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative Apply for 19 579

Funding Number: 19 579
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $175,000
SENSOR Apply for DE FOA 0001737

Funding Number: DE FOA 0001737
Agency: Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy
Funding Amount: $10,000,000
Innovation Corps - Nodes Program Apply for 17 533

Funding Number: 17 533
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $1,200,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Piedmont, South Atlantic Coast CESU Apply for G17AS00018

Funding Number: G17AS00018
Agency: Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $20,902


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